Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wean Me Gently

My beautiful Milla turned a year old not too long ago. This poem really struck a chord in me and perfectly explains my emotions about our breastfeeding relationship at this point.I'm not gonna lie...I about teared up reading this. From excruciating newborn latches to gripping teeth, from engorgement to mastitis, from ridiculously large and hard breasts to embarrassing letdowns, I would not change this for the world. For every difficult breastfeeding experience I have gone through I have a sentimental loving one to remind me why we mothers do this. My daughter's bright blue eyes gazing up at me fill me with more love than I have ever known. Over this past year I realize that I have been fortunate enough to have had a solid support system when I needed it...and a stubborn strong will for when I didn't.

 Wean Me Gently

by Cathy Cardall

I know I look so big to you,

Maybe I seem too big for the needs I have.

But no matter how big we get,

We still have needs that are important to us.

I know that our relationship is growing and changing,

But I still need you. I need your warmth and closeness,

Especially at the end of the day

When we snuggle up in bed.

Please don't get too busy for us to nurse.

I know you think I can be patient,

Or find something to take the place of a nursing;

A book, a glass of something,

But nothing can take your place when I need you.

Sometimes just cuddling with you,

Having you near me is enough.

I guess I am growing and becoming independent,

But please be there.

This bond we have is so strong and so important to me,

Please don't break it abruptly.

Wean me gently,

Because I am your mother,

And my heart is tender.  

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1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! I need to print this. I breastfed my first until he weaned himself on his first birthday, my middle until he was 27 months, and now my youngest who is 8.5 months. I'm dreading the day he decides to wean (hoping he will go at least 2 years)!
