Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What the heck did I do this summer?

If you haven't figured it out I freakin' LOVE running and my daughter is the GREATEST thing that has happened in my life. I'm a mother runner. Try as I might I can't separate myself from this form of identity and that became glaringly apparent to me this summer. It's so much a part of my life and consumes just about all of my free time. Somehow my girl turned from a baby into a rambunctious toddler, and it blows my mind. Just last week we weaned naturally. I nursed (or pumped) every day for the past 630 days. That's 1 year, 8 months, 22 days! Yup...I kind of rock for that as well as other nursing mother runners out there making it work!

Sooooo.....as the title of this post asks....what the heck did I do this summer? I took back control of my own life. I'm not there 100% and am relying on family for help but that infamous light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger, and I'm positive it's not the kind that Wile E. Coyote sees right before he smashes face first into a wall. Be as it may, when it comes to what I love second most, which is running --first most would be my daughter-- here's a look at my summer.

Chula Vista Community Fun Run (5K) - With my bestie who's a BAMR with her duallie

Lactic Edge Triathlon - I PR'd my 5k as the relay runner and cheered my niece on for her first finish

5k Walk/Run for Breastfeeding and Tour de Boys and Girls Club Bike-a-thon - This was my first time doing back-to-back racing. Not sure I'll do it again. Placed 3rd in my age group and first overall stroller runner for the 5k.

Kolor for Kids 5k - To be honest I think these kind of races are really hyped up but nevertheless had a good time

The Green Circle Trail Colorama Marathon - This wasn't anything official, actually it was spur of the moment on my part, but I'm determined to make it an annual event. Check out the entire album here.

Kickapoo Reserve Dam Challenge (aka dry triathlon) - 7 mile kayak, 14 mile bike, 3 mile run. This is MY kind of triathlon. This is also the one that I showed up at with a lame bike.

With the end of summer and fall being in full frosty effect, I'm forcing myself to look forward to winter for a change. I've got my first winter ultramarathon at the end of the year and I splurged on all sorts of gear for it. I might actually train for it too!

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